

Forms & Surveys, eSignature


Unlock the full potential of your sales with the seamless integration between Maximizer and Jotform. Our predefined Zapier workflows allow for automatic note generation in Maximizer whenever new form submissions are received through Jotform. Additionally, instantly create tasks when newly signed documents are received via Jotform, enabling a comprehensive view of customer interactions and enhancing collaboration. In addition to a range of predefined Zapier workflows, you can easily create custom workflows tailored to perfectly fit your unique business requirements. Eliminate manual data entry, enhance efficiency, and effortlessly consolidate customer interactions within your CRM, empowering salespeople to close deals faster.


  • Create Maximizer leads or contacts from new Jotform submissions, reducing manual data entry and saving valuable time. Focus on selling instead of administrative tasks.
  • Create notes in Maximizer and send Slack notifications when documents are signed in Jotform, capturing interactions in one place and empowering your team to make informed decisions during the sales process.
  • Create tasks in Maximizer when new documents are signed in Jotform, enabling your team to follow up promptly and maximize the chances of closing deals.