EagleProject excels at relationship marketing. It positions itself as customer care driven rather than sales oriented. By practicing what it preaches, EagleProject is able to deliver highly individual messages to its customer base to maximize on-going repeat business opportunities and cross selling activities.
We use solutions specialists rather than sales people to develop opportunities and business is won because the staff demonstrate very quickly a good solid understanding of the customer's problem areas. The core value of the business lies within the depth of technical expertise, particularly with regard to data. EagleProject has demonstrated time and time again that the key to a successful implementation is in fully identifying and agreeing an extensive list of outputs before beginning the system and database design.
Eaglesoft was set up in 2000 and changed its name to EagleProject in 2002. The company slogan is "Real Data, Real Value" and all projects are approached with this goal in mind.
About EagleProject
Dal 2002, forniamo soluzioni di ICT con sviluppo di nuovo software e personalizzazione di piattaforme esistenti, con particolare riferimento al mondo gestionale (Mago/Zucchetti) e vendite-marketing (Maximizer CRM).
Il nostro team, affiatato ed esperto, gestisce su tutto il territorio Italiano circa 2000 utenti di Maximizer, collocatinei più svariati settori merceologici e dimensionali, quali: banche, industrie metalmeccaniche e chimiche, società di comunicazione-marketing, studi professionali, ditte individuali.